Finnskogen has a lot to offer for all eager cyclists. With over 50 miles of connected roads there are endless oppurtunities to see the landscape on a bike. Trail riding or longer trips? It’s all there. At PAN there are cycle routes for every skill level. Bikers have a myriad of opportunities by following the many forest roads that extend from PAN and further into Finnskogen. One of the easy alternatives is to take the trail called Gjesåsbergrunden. This is a marked trail along both forest roads and asphalted roads. You start the bikeride by going East on the road you arrived on or west, down towards Gjesåssjøen. Trail biking can be done by following some of the paths located in the surrounding areas. These are not marked on maps, but they criss cross all over Gjesåsberget.

You can rent a bike during your stay. Renting  one of our mountain bikes includes helmet and bike insurance. Renting a bike is done through our booking system.